RSSPosts: 60

XING Autoposting – New NextScripts Premium API
XING has recently decided to discontinue its official free API.
Today we are introducing the better alternative – new NextScripts Premium API for XING. Unlike the API from XING that was able to make posts to profiles only, NextScripts Premium API for XING can post to profiles, company pages, and groups.
All current API subscribers are getting it for free today. SNAP WordPress Pro plugin users can use it starting from version 3.7.16 (API 2.27.0). SNAP Pro API and SNAP Light API users should download package version 28 (API 2.27.0)

New Release: SNAP for WordPress Version 3.7.10.Beta
UPDATE (Jan 20, 2017). Version 3.7.11 has been released to plugin repository. it has all code from this beta along with some fixes. Please update your plugin.
New beta version is available for download. Two most popular networks Facebook and LinkedIn just got a completely new configuration interfaces.
You can get beta version from here: SNAP for WordPress Version 3.7.10.Beta (No longer available)
Just upload it to your plugins directory replacing current files or delete your current SNAP version install it from WP Admin. (That will not delete or anyhow affect your currently configured networks and settings).
Since it’s a beta version, please make a backup before upgrading and please report any issues right away.

New Release: SNAP for WordPress Version 3.7
SNAP for WordPress Version 3.7 has been released. This version adds support for two new networks.
1. Weibo. Biggest Chinese Microblogging Service. You can post your messages and images.
2. MailChimp. One of the most popular email marketing tools. You can send your blogs as email campaigns to specific subscribers.
Version 3.7 also has cleaner and less cluttered interface for both settings and “new post” page, new “Post to all checked networks” button on the published post page, new categorized list of networks on the “Add New Network” page.
You can install it directly from your WP Admin panel, download it from NextScripts or from

Autoposting to Instagram
Instagram Autoposting is coming to SNAP!
3 years ago we wrote an article explaining why Instagram was not supported. Instagram was accepting images only from the phones and other mobile devices and there was no way to post there from the website or API. Since then we were considering creating our own API for Instagram. Well, today we are announcing it.
NextScripts API for Instagram will be available for all active API subscribers* Friday March 5, 2016 as part of the Universal API.
More info as well as demo is here: SNAP: Autoposting to Instagram
Autoposting to Instagram is available to all active SNAP API subscribers. Active SNAP API subscriber is anyone whose last payment for SNAP API was less then a year ago.
Instagram autoposting is available in all SNAP API versions including “Pro”, “Light” and “Run-Time”(this one is included with “Pro” WordPress plugin)
Clarification #2: Who is getting Instagram?
SNAP API Pro Subscribers – Yes
SNAP API Light Subscribers – Yes
SNAP Pro WordPress plugin users who subscribed to RunTime API – Yes
SNAP Pro WordPress plugin users who chose “One time payment” option after March 5, 2015 – Yes (but will loose it on the payment anniversary)
SNAP Pro WordPress plugin users who chose “One time payment” option before March 5, 2015 – No
SNAP Free WordPress plugin – No

New Strategy and SNAP for WordPress Version 3.5
Today we are announcing SNAP for WordPress Version 3.5. It will be released on Friday, March 4, 2016. This version is a result of our decision to change our release strategy. We are still working on completely new and totally re-written version 4. That version will be a major release and it already took a lot of time to develop. We realized that while we are sitting on some cool features that were made for upcoming V4, version 3.4 already got 32 almost featureless releases. We are sitting on them for too long. Some of those features require brand new V4 platform and engine, but some of them can be easily ported to V3 and work along with the old code.
So we decided to make several smaller releases instead of keep people waiting for one big.
We are starting with version 3.5 that got new API connection engine. New engine comes with highly optimized, smaller and faster V4 API connector files. We created a way for new API connection engine to seamlessly work with the old one.
Version 3.5 has three networks based on this new V4 API connection engine:
Telegram [New] (Free and Pro),
Instagram [New] (active “SNAP API” subscription members only),
XING [Updated] (Free and Pro).
Eventually all networks will be ported to new V4 API connection engine. Very soon we will make couple more V3 releases with new interface, features and networks and then, once we finish new autoposting engine, we will switch it on and call that release V4. That’s the plan.
PS: We apologize to all people who are waiting for the new “existing posts re-posting” functionality. This feature actually requires new V4 posting engine and will be available only in actual V4.

Upcoming Version 4 Features: Post Filters
Version 4 is coming out soon. One of the new features is “Filters” – an ability to define exactly what posts should go to each configured networks.

New Release: SNAP for WordPress Version 3.4.12
SNAP for WordPress Version 3.4.12 has been released. This version adds support for two new URL shorteners, ability to force shortened URLS as well as some bug fixes.
Versions 3.4.x will be the last of V3 family. We already started working on the version 4, which will bring new interface and many new features including completely revamped “Old Posts Re-Posting”.
You can install it directly from your WP Admin panel, download it from NextScripts or from

Upcoming Version 4 Features: New plugin place, New look for post metabox, Query, New Facebook configuration
Plugin interface Location
Plugin outgrew it’s old place under the settings menu. SNAP is now located in the left menu column.

Upcoming Version 4 Features: Auto-Reposting
Version 4 is coming out soon. One of the most important new features is a completely redone auto-reposting.
Auto-reposting in version 3 was done as on/off switch per network and separate include/exclude property per each post. It was very complicated and some reposting scenarios that were not possible or very hard to setup:
– Repeat one particular tweet each day at 9AM
– Auto-Repost only posts from specific categories or tags
– Auto-Repost only posts written by specific author.
– Auto-Repost only “Image” format posts, not “Link” or “Standard”.
– Auto-Repost some specific posts from 9AM to 11AM and some different posts from 6PM to 9PM
Version 4 will use Reposter Actions. Each Reposter Action can be configured individually and you can setup what posts should be posted to what networks and when should it happen.

New Release: SNAP for WordPress Version 3.4.4
SNAP for WordPress Version 3.4.4 has been released. This version adds new network XING, some performance improvement as well as some bug fixes.
Versions 3.4.x will be the last of V3 family. We already started working on the version 4, which will bring new interface and many new features including completely revamped “Old Posts Re-Posting”.
= 3.4.4 [11/17/2014] =
* New – New network “XING”. Post text messages or share links to your personal account.
* Improvement – Performance and memory usage improvement
* Bug Fix – [Diigo] “301” error message has been fixed.
= 3.4.3 [09/17/2014] =
* Improvement – Full WordPress 4.0 compatibility including fixed for all “depreciated” notices.
* Improvement – Better handling of Twitter characters limit.
* New – %CT-CustomTaxonomy% tag (Twitter only for now)
* Bug Fix – “Verify Featured Image” checkbox in the settings tab was not working along with functionality it should turn on.
* Bug Fix – “Filter posts by tags” was broken.
* Bug Fix – “Filter posts by categories” was not working in some environments involving third party automated posts or scheduled posts
* Bug Fix – “Incorrect import file” message when importing previously exported file. (Actual problem was with “Export”)
* Bug Fix – Duplicate “Update Settings” button.
* Bug Fix – [LinkedIn] ugly error messages.
* Bug Fix – [Plurk] – missing token error.
= 3.4.2 [07/16/2014] =
* Bug Fix – Fix for Broken Visual Editor. TinyMCE 4.0 compatibility broke earlier TinyMCE versions.
You can install it directly from your WP Admin panel, download it from NextScripts or from

Most Popular WordPress SEO and Social Media Plugins made a nice infographic about most popular SEO and social media plugins. Please check the #5 in the “Social Media” section. š

New Release: SNAP for WordPress Version 3.4.1
SNAP for WordPress Version 3.4.1 has been released. This version adds new network Kippt and support for WordPress 3.9 and PHP 5.5 as well as many bug fixes.
Versions 3.4.x will be the last of V3 family. We already started working on the version 4, which will bring new interface and many new features including completely revamped “Old Posts Re-Posting”.
= 3.4.1 [07/16/2014] =
* New – New network “Kippt”. Post your blogpost links to your Kippt Lists.
* Improvement – Full PHP 5.5 compatibility including fixed for all “depreciated” notices.
* Improvement – Full WordPress 3.9 and TinyMCE 4.0 compatibility including fixed for all “depreciated” notices.
* Bug Fix – Checkboxes/Radiobuttons got incorrectly unchecked
* Bug Fix – [Facebook] Fix for “Please make sure your redirect_uri is identical to the one you used in the OAuth dialog request” problem.
* Bug Fix – [Facebook] Fix for posting to boards with international characters in URL.
* Bug Fix – [Facebook] “Unsupported post request” error.
* Bug Fix – [Facebook] Broken ability to post to the hidden groups.
* Bug Fix – [Blogger] “Incorrect JSON” error.
* Bug Fix – [Pinterest] Invalid log entry. “TEST”.
* Bug Fix – [Twitter] Wrong codes (like —).
* Bug Fix – [VK] Better support for phone verification.
* Bug Fix – [SETT] Fix for “Please make sure your redirect_uri is identical to the one you used in the OAuth dialog request” problem.
* Bug Fix – If you put 4 minutes in the dropdown for the Posting Delay, it returns 45 minutes.
You can install it directly from your WP Admin panel, download it from NextScripts or from

SNAP Plugin for WordPress – 1,000,000 downloads.
SNAP Plugin for WordPress just reached 1,000,000 downloads on It happened today May, 11 2014 at 2:15 AM EST.
What can we say? Thank you! You guys are awesome! Thank you for using our plugin, thank you for your good reviews, thank you for your bad reviews, thank you for reporting bugs and problems, thank you for encouraging us to add more features and improve the product. Thank you for your support.
Also very special thank you to all people who bought the “Pro” update! We will keep working on it and we will keep adding new exiting features because of you.
PS: Yes, we know those are not unique downloads, this number counts upgrades as well.
PS2: Next 3 SNAP PRO Plugin for WordPress upgrade orders will be refunded, which means you will get it for free!

New Release: SNAP for WordPress Version 3.3.6
SNAP for WordPress Version 3.3.6 has been released. This version adds support for the API 2.0 from Facebook.
Facebook silently changed it’s policy regarding app permissions that available without review and approval. It means that if your app existed before April 30th 2014 plugin will use the same API 1.0 that worked fine for the last 4 years. If your app created on or after April 30th 2014 it will only be compatible with Facebook API 2.0 that requires a complicated review/approval process.
Please see the whole history of the issue here:
Updated instructions for Facebook are here:

Changes to SNAP Pro for WordPress Promotion offer
Promotion offer Changes
We are no longer offering downloadable Google+ and Pinterest APIs along with WordPress Plugin.
We had this promotion offer for quite some time. Two downloadable API libraries were included with SNAP Pro WordPress plugin purchase.
Today we are replacing this offer with something much better. From now on SNAP Pro WordPress plugin comes with built-in run-time edition of SNAP Universal API. SNAP Universal API adds not just Google+ and Pinterest, but 10 additional networks otherwise not available for autoposting in any form or significantly improved over the original APIs.
Platforms/Social Networks based on the unique NextScripts SNAP API:
PS: If you need downloadable Google+ and Pinterest APIs, they are now the part of our SNAP Universal API (Light and Pro Editions are downloadable). And guess what? SNAP Pro WordPress plugin is included for free with every Light or Pro SNAP Universal API purchase.
PS2: This change is effective today, May 1st 2014. If you find our old ad somewhere, the old “3in1” promotion there is no longer valid.
PS3: We are no longer offering separate downloadable Google+ and Pinterest APIs to the new customers. We simply don’t have and don’t support those two files anymore. All up-to-date APIs including Google+ and Pinterest are available only in the SNAP Universal API.
What happened with what I have now? Does it mean I should re-purchase?
1. Nothing will be changed for you if you are using WordPress Plugin (actually it will be even better). It will work with SNAP Runtime API indefinitely. SNAP Runtime API is embded in the “Pro” plugin.
2. Downloadable Google+ and Pinterest API libraries (that were included for free with SNAP Pro Plugin order) are discontinued. Those files will be kept up to date till the May 2015 after that they will stop working right after Google and/or Pinterest make any breaking changes to it’s interfaces. Those libraries should be replaced with SNAP API before that.
3. Universal SNAP API. New product that includes API to Google+, Pinterest and all other networks (free and not free). SNAP API comes as a yearly subscription. If you purchased “SNAP Pro WordPress plugin with Google+ and Pinterest API libraries for $49.95” within a year of upgrade, you can get a $49.95 discount for your first year.

New Release: SNAP for WordPress Version 3.3
SNAP for WordPress Version 3.3.0 has been released. This version adds support for Flipboard Magazines (Pro Only) and a lot of improvements.
One important improvement is rewritten Facebook API access.
When we started this project as “Facebook-Twitter-Google+ Autoposter” we took official Facebook PHP API library and used it. Two years and 21 networks after that we actually asked a question why exactly we are still using those 47kbs of code. We can do much better then that. We have enough knowledge and experience to use Facebook API directly, without some “middle man”. As a result we got much faster and more reliable Facebook autoposter engine.
Another important change is disabling Auto-Reposter if WP Cron service is not correctly configured. This should save a lot of frustration and prevent many issues.
= 3.3.0 [03/06/2014] =
* New – New network “Flipboard”. Post your links to your magazine.
* Improvement – A lot of code, error handling and interface optimizations and improvements.
* Improvement – Plugin is not using 47kb of official Facebook API for PHP anymore. Facabook autoposting is now more stable and faster.
* Improvement – Auto-Reposting functionality will be disabled if WP Cron is not configured correctly.
* Improvement – Plugin shows how many posts is included in auto-reposting on the settings page.
* Bug Fix – Many bug fixes and improvements to the “Auto-Reposting” and “Posts from Query” functionality.
* Bug Fix – Checkboxes with selected categories were not saving correctly.
* Bug Fix – Google+ – custom URL postings were incorrect.
* Bug Fix – Tumblr is now working “New Post to Social Networks”
You can install it directly from your WP Admin panel, download it fromĀ NextScriptsĀ or fromĀ

Troubles with WP Cron and existing posts auto-reposter
“Existing posts auto-reposter” functionality will be disabled if WP Cron is not configured correctly.
It’s been more then three months since we released SNAP for WordPress Version 3.0 with “Existing posts auto-reposter” functionality. It was one of the most requested features and a lot of people are enjoying it. However this feature brought a lot of troubles to us.
The problem is that this feature could work properly only with correctly configured (healthy) WP Cron. It turned out that a lot of people have no idea what is “WP Cron”, how does it work, and why it’s important to keep it healthy.
Combination of unhealthy WP Cron and “Existing posts auto-reposter” feature could cause: no auto-repostings, no auto-postings, many duplicate postings and repostings, site crashes, 500 Internal server errors, etc … and of course we are getting the blame for all those problems.
We don’t feel that we deserve all those bad reviews and being called “Unhelpful Support” simply because we don’t have technical capabilities to spend hours on each website debugging WP Cron. WP Cron is a part of WordPress itself and its absolutely not related to our products. Healthy WP Cron is a requirement for “Existing posts auto-reposter” functionality and SNAP for WordPress Version 3.3 will check and disable this feature if it detects that WP Cron is not configured the way it should be.
Please go to the “Help/Support” tab and click “Show Cron Test Results” to see how your WP Cron is doing.
We have a very good tutorial about correct configuration of WP Cron: WP-Cron: Scheduling Tasks in WordPress
Once the WP Cron is configured correctly, please go to the Help/Support tab again and click “Show Cron Test Results” and then click “Re-do Cron Check”.
“Existing posts auto-reposter” functionality will be reactivated after successful test.
We are really sorry, but we can’t offer troubleshooting services for WP Cron as part of our support for SNAP plugin. This is a server administration issue, so please work with your server admin or hosting provider if you need help setting it up correctly.
UPDATE: Yes, you can force “Auto-Reposter” back on from the settings tab.

New Release: SNAP for WordPress Version 3.2
SNAP for WordPress Version 3.2.0 has been released. This version adds an ability to make posts to social networks without making a new blogpost and adds Scoop.It to the list of supported networks.
= 3.2.0 [01/29/2014] =
* New – Post to social networks without creating WordPress post.
* New – New network “Scoop.It”. Make text posts, link posts, or image posts. Post with tags.
* New – New LinkedIn Showcase pages are supported. (Pro Only)
* Improvement/Bug Fix – New interface for checkboxes for networks with excluded categories.
* Improvement/Bug Fix – %EXCERPT% tags won’t cut the actual excerpt to 300 characters anymore.
* Bug Fix – filed link [Enabled/Disabled for Repost according to Categories/Tags/Taxonomies filters]
* Bug Fix – Stability improvements to re-posting functionality.
You can install it directly from your WP Admin panel, download it fromĀ NextScriptsĀ or fromĀ

New Release: SNAP for WordPress Version 3.1.2
SNAP for WordPress Version 3.1.2 has been released. This version fixes several bugs.
= 3.1.2 [01/15/2013] =
* [Critical] Bug Fix – [ERROR] (#100) actions should be a JSON-encoded dictionary with ‘name’ and ‘link’ keys
* Improvement/Bug Fix – Plugin will import all comments from Facebook posts, not just the first 100.
* Bug Fix – Plugin were re-posting the same “Sticky” post in some configurations.
You can install it directly from your WP Admin panel, download it fromĀ NextScriptsĀ or fromĀ

New Release: SNAP for WordPress Version 3.1.0
SNAP for WordPress Version 3.1 has been released.
* New – WordPress 3.8 Compatibility
* New – New Ajax based settings page – 7 times lighter and faster.
* New – Filter autoposting by tags and custom taxonomies.
* New – Ability to set all posts “Enabled/Disabled for repost” according to the Categories/Tags/Custom Taxonomies filters
* Improvement – Performance/compatibility improvement with latest LastPass extension.
* Improvement – Better compatibility with SSL.
* Improvement/Bug Fix – HTML tags and shortcodes are now removed from Facebook attached titles.
* Improvement/Bug Fix – Compatibility with new LinkedIn security feature “We just sent you the code”.
More about New Features: