New Release: SNAP for WordPress Version 3.1.0
SNAP for WordPress Version 3.1 has been released.
* New – WordPress 3.8 Compatibility
* New – New Ajax based settings page – 7 times lighter and faster.
* New – Filter autoposting by tags and custom taxonomies.
* New – Ability to set all posts “Enabled/Disabled for repost” according to the Categories/Tags/Custom Taxonomies filters
* Improvement – Performance/compatibility improvement with latest LastPass extension.
* Improvement – Better compatibility with SSL.
* Improvement/Bug Fix – HTML tags and shortcodes are now removed from Facebook attached titles.
* Improvement/Bug Fix – Compatibility with new LinkedIn security feature “We just sent you the code”.
More about New Features:
New Ajax based settings page with full WordPress 3.8 Compatibility
New settings page loads networks settings only when you need them. This makes it 7 times lighter and faster.
Filter autoposting by tags and custom taxonomies
Now you can filer your posts by Categories, Tags and custom taxonimies.
Only posts with those categories, tags or custom taxonomies assigned will be autoposted, you can include custom taxonomy tags in taxonomy_slug|tag format.
Please see more info and instructions here: Filer your posts by Categories, Tags or custom taxonimies
Ability to set all posts “Enabled/Disabled for repost” according to the Categories/Tags/Custom Taxonomies filters
In addition to the “Set all posts Enabled for Repost” and “Set all posts Disabledfor Repost” there is a new button [Enabled/Disabled for Repost according to Categories/Tags/Taxonomies filters]. This button will enable only the posts that belong to the categories/tags/taxonomies that set for autoposting.
See us on the Facebook:
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- About post
Image Post in facebook is not the same as before, now it doesnt upload any image at all.
I am not happy with the last update :(
Please see the answer is in the FAQ - #1.5: http://www.nextscripts.com/support-faq/#q15 explaining why your image is "not the same as before"
Hi did you make a indepent panel to share updates without creating a post? as hootsuite.
This is planned for 3.2
I get an "You do not have sufficient privileges to access this page." every time I try to save a setting. Can't set up the plugin at all! Not a good experience from me.
The most common reason for this is the amount of memory allowed for PHP on your server. Please check and make sure it's not 32M or less. You need at least 64M, but if you have other plugins 128M or even 256M is recommended.
Hi, I am getting problem using this plugin. During this script run and send to social networking sites, my MYSQL database is going to down and then site is not accessible. It's giving Database Connection Error...
At this time, I need to again restart MYSQL Server manually, I use VPS level 3, so that's way I am getting this error?, If I use Shared Hosting there is no issue.
Please provide your inputs how to handle this. How much memory I required, how to configure that.
How many networks do you have? How many posts are you making?
Posts using %URL% to Blogger no longer post as clickable link? Please see prior two posts
%URL% never posted clickable link to Blogger. %URL% adds a URL. Most social networks that do not support HTML transform URLs to clickable links automatically. Blogger does support HTML, so you need to wrap a tag around %URL%
Myspace looks like it's coming back to life again. Any plans or info about their API's for auto posting? Also, can SNAP be used without wordpress?
hi, twitter get error since yesterday. Array ( [pgID] => [isPosted] => 0 [pDate] => 2014-01-15 06:25:08 [Error] => Resp: | Error: | MSG: mytwit..
Please update to the latest version, it has a fix for Twitter: http://www.nextscripts.com/blog/new-release-snap-wordpress-version-3-1-1/
posted on | December 13, 2013 |
in | Development, News, Scripts, Web Development |
tagged | development, features, release, Script, Snap, V3, Wordpress |