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New Release: SNAP for WordPress Version 3.3.6
SNAP for WordPress Version 3.3.6 has been released. This version adds support for the API 2.0 from Facebook.
Facebook silently changed it’s policy regarding app permissions that available without review and approval. It means that if your app existed before April 30th 2014 plugin will use the same API 1.0 that worked fine for the last 4 years. If your app created on or after April 30th 2014 it will only be compatible with Facebook API 2.0 that requires a complicated review/approval process.
Please see the whole history of the issue here:
Updated instructions for Facebook are here:

New Release: Version 2.7.14
The new version 2.7.14 has been released.
It contains some improvements like support for Categories for Google+ Community Pages, Facebook Secret Groups, many bugfixes and new security model. This version adds an ability to skip the check for user privileges as well as an ability to allow users to autopost without seeing to changing any options. This change makes a possibility to resolve the issues caused by previous security fix.
Full list of changes.

Twitter: “Status contains malware” problem.
Twitter has blocked the whole URL Shortener. Please switch to some other URL shortener until that resolved. You can also upgrade to version 2.7.5 it has as new default URL Shortener
[March 30, 2013] UPD: This issue has been resolved. Twitter is no longer blocking links.
Delicious API is broken – Jan 30, 2013
Delicious API is broken today Jan 30, 2013. It looks like the “New Delicious” update messed up with ability to post links through the API.
There are many reports on Twitter confirming that outage is general:
We are monitoring the situation, but can’t do anything about that at this point.

Google+, 2-step verification and auto-posting.
Plugin could not be compatible with two-step verification. Plugin have to login to your account in order to make a post. 2 step verification requires entering the code from your phone. Plugin can’t take a look at the screen of your phone each time it needs to make a post, so it’s not possible for it to login like this.
Also plugin could not be compatible with “application specific passwords”. Application specific passwords could be used only in the non-browser applications, but Google+ is accessible by browser only.
If you are concerned about your personal Google account and want to keep 2 step verification on, just create another account, make it admin for your Google+/Blogger page and use it for auto-posting.
UPD: Link to “Owners and managers on Google+ Pages” –