Search by tag «Twitter»
Entries found: 8

New Release: SNAP for WordPress Version 3.1.1
SNAP for WordPress Version 3.1.1 has been released. This version brings compliance with “Jan 14 Twitter API changes” as well as some bug fixes and stability/compatibility improvements.
= 3.1.1 [01/14/2013] =
* Improvement/Bug Fix – Update for Jan 14 Twitter API change – requirement for ONLY secured SSL connections
* Improvement/Bug Fix – Better compatibility with some WP Admin themes – like fixed missing “Update Settings” button
* Improvement/Bug Fix – Stability improvements and better error handling for WordPress based sites.
* Improvement/Bug Fix – Some fixes, improvements and optimizations to the re-posting functionality.
* Improvement/Bug Fix – More clear interface for category filters.
* Bug Fix – Missing Twitter image on servers without proper “Content-Length” header
* Bug Fix – Duplicate categories filter for Twitter has been removed.
* Bug Fix – vBulletin module optimization and better error handling.
* Bug Fix – General options were getting overwritten by post options in some configurations.
* Bug Fix – Memory limit problem for servers with more then 1GB of allowed for PHP memory.
You can install it directly from your WP Admin panel, download it from NextScripts or from

Twitter V1 API retirement and SNAP version 2.7.15
While most of the plugin were written using new V1.1 Twitter API, one function were still partially dependent on old V1 API functionality. Twitter V1 API is now officially retired, so SNAP has stopped working for some people who were using that function.
We just released SNAP version 2.7.15. This version has all Twitter code updated to the latest V1.1 Twitter API and all functionality is working again as it suppose to. Please upgrade your plugin to this version.

Twitter: “Status contains malware” problem.
Twitter has blocked the whole URL Shortener. Please switch to some other URL shortener until that resolved. You can also upgrade to version 2.7.5 it has as new default URL Shortener
[March 30, 2013] UPD: This issue has been resolved. Twitter is no longer blocking links.
New Release: Version 2.7.2
The new version 2.7.2 has been released. It has better settings page interface, FriendFeed support, ability “Spin” message post templates, support for and YOURLS URL shorteners and many other improvements and bug fixes.
Main Improvements:
New network: “FriendFeed”.
Ability to “Spin” message post templates.
New template tag %ANNOUNCE% Inserts the text till the <!–more–> tag or first N words of the post.
New Pinterest interface support.
New Twitter length of the URLs is now supported.
Includes post tags with tags for LiveJournal/Dreamwidth.
Woocommerce product tags supported for %TAGS% and %HTAGS%.
Ability to use “Custom Fields” %CF-CustomFieldName% in autoposter message templates.
Support for YOURLS URL Shortener.
Support for URL Shortener.
Better interface for “Settings” tab.
Full list of changes.
= 2.7.2 [02/28/2013] =
* Improvement/Bug Fix – New Pinterest interface suppport.
* Improvement – Post with tags for LiveJournal/Dreamwidth
* Improvement – WordPress to WordPress posts will include “Excerpt” as well.
* Bug fix – WPMU – Accounts loosing selected mode.
* Bug fix – Twitter – “Your Message is too long” problem caused by Twitter increasing URL length from 20 to 22 characters.
* Bug fix – LinkedIn – Posts were not attaching when posting to LinkedIn Groups.
* Bug fix – Incorrect skipping of individual categories selection for automated (non-human) posts
= 2.7.1 [02/26/2013] =
* New – New network “FriendFeed”
* Improvement – Indicators that some networks have excluded categories.
* Improvement – Woocommerce product tags supported for %TAGS% and %HTAGS%.
* Bug fix – Broken checkboxes in “Post Edit”
* Bug fix – Tumblr Post URLs
* Bug fix – Broken %ANNOUNCE% tag
* Bug fix – Blogger line breaks.
* Bug fix – Some issues potentialy causing duplicates.
* Bug fix – Blogger line breaks.
* Bug fix – Warning: _() expects exactly 1 fixed
* Bug fix – connection error
= 2.7.0 [02/23/2013] =
* New – Ability to auto-import “Replies” and “Mentions” from Twitter and post them as WP Comments
* New – Ability to use “Custom Fields” %CF-CustomFieldName% in autoposter message templates.
* New – New template tag %ANNOUNCE% Inserts the text till the <!–more–> tag or first N words of the post.
* New – Ability to “Spin” message post templates.
* New – Support for YOURLS URL Shortener.
* New – Support for URL Shortener.
* Improvement – Better interface for “Settings” tab
* Improvement – Tumblr include categories as tags
* Improvement – More clear and understandable log
* Improvement – All “Message Format” fields are now multirow fields.
* Improvement – no _ in hashtags anymore
* Improvement – Featured image custom field could be an array
* Improvement/Bug Fix – additional protection against magic quotes.
* Bug fix – Stumbleupon category selection.
* Bug fix – Twitter characters limit when %TEXT% is used.
* Bug fix – Autoposting stability improvements.
* Bug fix – Featured image location in custom field.
* Bug fix – International characters for Blogger (Free API).

New Release: Version 2.4.8
The new version 2.4.8 has been released. It has some bug fixes for Pinterest, StumbleUpon and Twitter
= 2.4.8 =
* New/Improvement – external jQuery reference removed.
* Bug fix – Pinterest board selection fix.
* Bug fix – StumbleUpon connection fix.
* Bug fix – Twitter %TAGS% and %CATS% for non English characters
* Bug fix – Twitter %TAGS% and %CATS% were not found in the text sometimes.
* Bug fix – WordPress better handling of connection errors.
* Bug fix – Post status saving.
= 2.4.7 =
* New/Improvement – Ability to change format before reposting when you edit post.
* Bug fix – Critical Blogger “Function not found” fix.
* Bug fix – Escaped quotes in Message Format.
You can download it from NextScripts or directly from

New Release: Version 2.4.0 – Facebook and Twitter “Photo” Posts
The new version 2.4 has been released. It has some big improvements to the Facebook and Twitter. It ads ability to make “Photo” posts to Facebook and “attach” images to Twitter posts. It also adds support for two more URL shorteners – and
Release has several bugs and better support for qTransalte and non-English characters.
= 2.4.0 =
* New – Facebook “Photo” posts.
* New – Ablity to attach image to Twitter posts
* New – support for short link.
* New – support for short links. (Jetpack users only)
* Improvement – “Click-through URL” for the Tumblr “Photo” posts.
You can download it from NextScripts or directly from

New Release: Version 1.9.12
New Version has been released: 1.9.12
New version fixes the Google+ posting as well as some connectivity issues for other networks.
= 1.9.12 =
* New – Version 2.0.3 Beta is available to try.
* Bug fix – Removed many (\) Slashes from some Google+ Posts.
* Bug fix – Tumblr Authorization fix.
* Bug fix – New LinkedIn oAuth model support fix.
* Bug fix – Twitter New “Smarter” Twitter 140 characters limit handling fix.
= 1.9.11 =
* Bug fix – Google+ Fix for new interfaces.
* Improvement/Bug fix – New “Smarter” Twitter 140 characters limit handling. URL won’t be cut anymore.
You can download it from NextScripts or directly from

Why sometimes authorization of the Facebook/Tumblr/LinkedIn fails returning you to the incorrect page
During the authorization Facebook/Tumblr/LinkedIn returns the “oauth_token” parameter to the WordPress that has to be stored. This parameter is required for posting updates. Our plugin catches this parameter when it returned to it.
Unfortunately the name of this parameter can’t be changed, it pre-defined by Facebook/Tumblr/LinkedIn. Another unfortunate thing is that Twitter is also using the same name “oauth_token” for it’s authorization.
There are some plugins that use Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr/LinkedIn authorization. Some of those plugins think they are the only plugins in the whole universe, so instead of checking “oauth_token” when it returned to it’s owns page, those plugins add a global hook (some even add this hook with the top priority). This hook waits for “oauth_token” parameter to be returned and then just hijacks it, completely ignoring the fact that this parameter could be not intended for it.
After hijacking parameter such plugin is trying to redirect the browser to it’s own page, but since the whole set of parameters is not designed for it, it just gets you to the invalid page.
This is a very bad development practice from authors of those plugins.
If you have such an issue, just temporary deactivate all Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr/LinkedIn plugins you have and try to authorize Facebook/Tumblr/LinkedIn again. You can activate your plugins again when authorization is complete.