New Release: Version 2.5.0
The new version 2.5.0 has been released. This release includes several “most requested” pieces of functionality.
– Direct links to the published posts from the “Edit” page:
– Ability to assign categories to each Social Network. This network will be auto-selected only when post assigned to specified categories.
– Choice of uploading images to the default “App” album or to the special “Timeline/Wall” album. (see more here)
Full list of changes
= 2.5.0 =
* New/Improvement – Direct links to posts in the “Edit” page.
* New/Improvement – Pinterest – ability to “Pin” videos.
* Improvement – Facebook – Photos could be posted to the App Album or to the “Wall” album to avoid grouping
* Improvement – if post has video and no images, video preview image will be used.
* Improvement/Bug fix – Fixed incorrect image checking against websites blocking HEAD request.
* Improvement/Bug fix – support for “attached” but not “featured” images.
* Bug fix – Facebook – broken “image” post if post has video.
* Bug fix – Plurk was not taking settings from the “Edit” page
* Bug fix – Blogger (Free API) iframe was breaking autoposting
You can download it from NextScripts or directly from WordPress.org

SNAP: Facebook “Image” post feature.
Since version 2.5.0 you have a choice of uploading images to the default “App” album or to the special “Timeline/Wall” album.
App Album: Facebook automatically creates an album for your app with the same name as your app name. If you post images frequently Facebook will group them as in any regular album.
Timeline/Wall: Images will be posted to the special “Wall/Timeline” album and won’t be grouped even if posted frequently. The only tricky part here is that Facebook does not create “Wall/Timeline” album automatically. This album gets created only when first image posted to timeline manually. You need to go to your Facebook Account/Page/Group and upload one image to timeline before selecting this option.
If “Wall/Timeline” does not exist, images will be posted to the “App Album” even if “Wall/Timeline” option is selected.
Thanks to the plugin user “Leon Ho” for contributing to this functionality.

New Release: Version 2.4.8
The new version 2.4.8 has been released. It has some bug fixes for Pinterest, StumbleUpon and Twitter
= 2.4.8 =
* New/Improvement – external jQuery reference removed.
* Bug fix – Pinterest board selection fix.
* Bug fix – StumbleUpon connection fix.
* Bug fix – Twitter %TAGS% and %CATS% for non English characters
* Bug fix – Twitter %TAGS% and %CATS% were not found in the text sometimes.
* Bug fix – WordPress better handling of connection errors.
* Bug fix – Post status saving.
= 2.4.7 =
* New/Improvement – Ability to change format before reposting when you edit post.
* Bug fix – Critical Blogger “Function not found” fix.
* Bug fix – Escaped quotes in Message Format.
You can download it from NextScripts or directly from WordPress.org

New Release: Version 2.4.6
The new version 2.4.6 has been released. Some improvements include support for Plurk, hashtags for Twitter, support for WordPress Built-in Shortener and numerous bug fixes.
= 2.4.6 =
* Improvement – WordPress 3.5 compatibility
* Improvement/Bug fix – Better image handling.
* Bug fix – Broken URL Shortener Selection.
* Bug fix – Fixed LinkedIn for European accounts.
* Bug fix – Twitter Message length tweaks.
= 2.4.5 =
* Improvement/Bug fix – Google+ better “Post type” selection.
* Bug fix – Google+ – image uploads for pages go to the right album, not profile.
* Bug fix – Google+ – Correct image for “attached” posts
* Bug fix – Twitter image attachement broken in 2.4.4
= 2.4.4 =
* Improvement – Twitter – If tags and categories are alredy in the text will become hashtags, not duplicates.
* Improvement/Bug fix – “Check All/Uncheck All” links now have prioraty over category selection.
* Bug fix – Blogger – broken messages.
* Bug fix – Plurk – 180 characters limit.
* Bug fix – Twitter correct characters count (119) for “Posts with image”
= 2.4.3 =
* New – Support for WordPress Built-in Shortener
* Improvement/Bug fix – Facebook – better image posting.
* Bug fix – Blogger Error “Attribute name associated with an element type “####” must be followed by the ‘ = ‘ character
* Bug fix – Blogger taking over the WP Admin after the error.
* Bug fix – Blogger “Invalid JSON” Error
* Bug fix – Plurk Error “Call to undefined function http_build_url()”
* Bug fix – LinkedIn “We were unable to post your update” error.
* Bug fix – Pinterest UTF characters in the Board names.
* Bug fix – Pinterest – better Handling of Error 502.
= 2.4.2 =
* New – New network: Plurk. share your new blogpost on your Plurk account.
* New – Twitter – ability to post tags and categories as #hashtags
* Improvement – Facebook settings screen shows what URL and Domain use for App Configuration.
* Improvement – Facebook –
will add a line break for “Facebook Message text Format”
* Bug fix – SSL connections fix and SSL cerificate update
* Bug fix – Broken URL Shorthener selection
= 2.4.1 =
* Bug fix – Twitter error if attachmet image is missing
* Bug fix – Issue with apostrophees and quotes
* Improvement – “Click-through URL” for the Tumblr “Photo” posts can use shorthened URLs.
* Improvement – Ability to select custom field instead of the featued image.
You can download it from NextScripts or directly from WordPress.org

New Release: Version 2.4.0 – Facebook and Twitter “Photo” Posts
The new version 2.4 has been released. It has some big improvements to the Facebook and Twitter. It ads ability to make “Photo” posts to Facebook and “attach” images to Twitter posts. It also adds support for two more URL shorteners – bit.ly and wp.me.
Release has several bugs and better support for qTransalte and non-English characters.
= 2.4.0 =
* New – Facebook “Photo” posts.
* New – Ablity to attach image to Twitter posts
* New – Bit.ly support for short link.
* New – wp.me support for short links. (Jetpack users only)
* Improvement – “Click-through URL” for the Tumblr “Photo” posts.
You can download it from NextScripts or directly from WordPress.org

Google+, 2-step verification and auto-posting.
Plugin could not be compatible with two-step verification. Plugin have to login to your account in order to make a post. 2 step verification requires entering the code from your phone. Plugin can’t take a look at the screen of your phone each time it needs to make a post, so it’s not possible for it to login like this.
Also plugin could not be compatible with “application specific passwords”. Application specific passwords could be used only in the non-browser applications, but Google+ is accessible by browser only.
If you are concerned about your personal Google account and want to keep 2 step verification on, just create another account, make it admin for your Google+/Blogger page and use it for auto-posting.
UPD: Link to “Owners and managers on Google+ Pages” – https://support.google.com/plus/answer/2380625?hl=en

New way to upgrade to “Pro”
Yesterday WordPress temporarily took down our plugin page from it’s repository for the guidelines violation. The reason was the way we were doing “Upgrade to Pro”. We made it that way for your convenience, but we need to follow WordPress guidelines. Another step will be required to get the upgrade from now on. We will try to make the transition as smooth as possible, but some of you might loose the “Pro” functionality with the 2.4.0 and 2.4.1 updates.
Here is what needs to be done to restore the “Pro”.
1. Visit http://www.nextscripts.com/mypage and download new “NextScripts: SNAP Pro Upgrade Helper” plugin.
2. Install and activate “NextScripts: SNAP Pro Upgrade Helper” plugin. Please see installation instructions if you are not sure how to do it.
3. Most probably step #2 will restore your “Pro” features, if not re-Enter your “Activation Key”.
If you still don’t see “Pro” features please contact support we will help you on the priority basis.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but this is necessary step in order for us to keep the plugin.

Tumblr: “Text” post vs “Image” Post
There are two ways of posting images to Tumblr.
1. Text post with images inside. Tumblr does support some HTML in the posts, so you can just send html source of your blogpost and all images from there should appear on Tumblr. There is one problem with that. Tumblr treats such images as “external”. It means that if you look at your Tumblr website those images will show up fine, but if you look at your post from Dashboard (or any other internal tumbler page) you will the famous little grey “polaroid” box instead of the actual pictures. There is nothing could be done about it, this is Tumblr imposed functionality. You will need to click the box to see the image. it doesn’t matter how this image were posted. You can create text post manually, insert image in the post using the “tree” icon and the reuslt will be the same – little grey “polaroid” box on all internal pages.
2. Image (Photo) post. Image posts don’t have titles, they use pictures instead. Those pictures will show up everywhere including Dashbord, “tagged” pages and your Tumblr website.
Please take a look at the screenshots to better understand the difference:
The lower post is made as “Text” post that has image in it. When you look from Dashboard or from tumblr.com/tagged/ it shows tiny grey box instead of the image. if you look from Tumblr website (yoursite.tumblr.com) image looks fine.
Th top post made as an “Image” post.
View from the Dashboard:
View from the Tumblr website:

New Release: Version 2.3.2 – with WPMU, StumbleUpon and vBulletin support
The new version 2.3.2 has been released. It has 3 major improvements.
1. Version 2.3 (Pro only) adds support for WordPress Multisites (Ex WordPress MU). SNAP Pro allows to autopost from the main Super Admin account blog. We are also introducing a special edition of the plugin called “SNAP Pro for WordPress Multisites”. This edition adds a separate Super Admin management modules that allows full control over autoposting from any blog in the network. Super Admin can allow each blog to configure individual social networks and autopost there or just make the whole network autopost to main blog accounts. Super Admin can setup any individual blog in the network to different settings.
See more info about and get it here: SNAP Pro for WordPress Multisites
2. StumbleUpon.
Here is the results of the poll we have on our site. Most people voted for StumbleUpon, so here it is. Auto-post the link to your new blogpost to your StumbleUpon account. Free.
3. vBulletin. Would you like start discussion threads about your new blogposts on some remote forums or just update your thread somewhere with new reply about your blogpost? vBulletin versions 3.6+ and 4.X are supported. You can see our thread on v7n.com as an example. Free.
Changes log.
= 2.3.2 =
* New – New network: vBulletin. Share your new blogpost on your StumbleUpon account.
* Functionality Change – due to massive amount of requests – WP Pro (not WP Pro for MU) allows to post only to one main Super Admin account, not to all accounts across in the network.
* Bug fix – StumbleUpon re-post wrong category fix.
* Bug fix – “expecting T_FUNCTION” error.
* Bug fix – Blogger – “Invalid JSON” Error
= 2.3.1 =
* Bug fix – Facebook stability.
* Bug fix – WP Multisite Management problems.
= 2.3.0 =
* New – Support for WP Multisite (Pro Only) – http://www.nextscripts.com/social-networks-auto-poster-pro-for-wordpress-compare-editions/
* New – New network: Stumbleupon. Share your new blogpost on your StumbleUpon account.
* Improvement – Better configuration screens.
* Improvement – Facebook SDK upped to 3.2.0
* Bug fix – Facebook authorization problems.
* Bug fix – Blogger Character encoding.
* Bug fix – Stability improvements
* Bug fix – LinkedIn post without attachment.
You can download it from NextScripts or directly from WordPress.org

Changes for Pinterest login process – immediate action requred
Last week Pinterest silently changed its login process. You cannot login using your username anymore. All logins are require you to use email instead. If you have Pinterest configured in your WordPress plugin or if you are using NextScripts Pinterest API you need to change the username to the email asap.

New Release: Version 2.2.0 – with LinkedIn Company Pages support
The new version 2.2 has been released. It adds support for auto-posting to LinkedIn Company Pages. it also has some interface improvements and new tab “History/Log”. “History/Log” tab shows all auto-posting actions done by the plugin, so it can see what, when and when posts were posted.
Release has several bugs fixed including “headers already sent by line 344 Error” problem and annoying Google Chrome problem with adding Blogger account with each save.
= 2.2.0 =
* New – NextScripts LinkeIn API support for company pages auto-posting (Beta).
* New – Actions Log – see the log of the auto-postings.
* Improvement – Better interface.
* Bug fix – headers already sent by line 344 Error.
* Bug fix – Workaround fix for non-numeric “Facebook Group” pages. We hope that Facebook will fix it soon.
* Bug fix – Saving problems for the “Settings” page.
* Bug fix – LinkedIn post Formatting problems.
* Bug fix – was still attaching a post if not selected.
You can download it from NextScripts or directly from WordPress.org

Auto-post to another WordPress based blogs
Now you can auto-post your blogposts to another WordPress based blogs. The destination blog must have xmlrpc enabled. Blogpost will be published along with tags, categories and featured image (if your destination is WordPress 3.3 or better). This option includes WordPress.com blogs as well as blog.com. WordPress.com has xmlrpc activated by default. Blog.com requires you to go to the Settings->Writing and turn it on.
Note: Please be careful with blog.com, while they do allow xmlrpc posts, their’s spam prevention software considers such posts as extremely high risk, so your blog can be deactivated and you will need to contact their support.
The standalone WordPress based blogs are supported as well, so if you are publishing the same content of the several other sites or you would like to mention your main article on your other blogs, this will give you a great way to do so.
Setup is very simple, just enter the URL of the XMLRPC and provide your username and password.

{SNAP} Feature: Account Nicknames
The list of supported networks has grown and it become harder to identify where exactly you are auto posting. This is especially the case if you have multi-account edition. You can setup 3 blogger accounts but it’s really hard to tell the difference between them when they called 36782136281467812, 67126487328747436 and 23791242917649712. Version 2.1 brings new field to all network settings called “Account Nickname” this field has no affect to any functionality, but now you can call your accounts by something more identifiable.
Just fill the field “Nickname” when you adding new network or editing existing one.
You will see the nicknames instead of the codes in all lists of the accounts.

New Release: Version 2.1.0 – Critical Update
The new version 2.1 has been released. It addresses the critical issue that should prevent any problems in case GoDaddy or somebody else decide to put down our DNS. it also has some nice improvement and numerous bug fixes.
New network has been added. Now you can auto-post to WordPress based websites. This includes WordPress.com, Blog.com, and all other blogs based on WordPress
New interface:
Changes (since 2.0.8):
= 2.1.0 =
* New – New network: WordPress based websites. This option includes WordPress.com, Blog.com, and and any other blogs based on WP.
* Improvement – nicknames for your accounts. You can give each account a nickname to make it easier to identify in the list.
* Improvement – better looking settings pages.
* Improvement – new option to either schedule auto-posts (recommended) or do it immediately. This could be useful to the people with disabled or broken WP Cron.
* Critical Stability fix – The next GoDaddy crush should not break your website.
* Bug fix – disappearing accounts.
* Bug fix – custom post settings weren’t saved in some cases.
* Bug fix – format and settings fixes for almost all networks.
= 2.0.12 =
* Bug fix – Some Facebook connectivity isses.
* Bug fix – Unselected Custom post types were still published in some cases.
= 2.0.11 =
* Bug fix – Compatibility issue with some browsers.
= 2.0.10 =
* Bug fix – Facebook “Share link” fix.
* Improvement/Bug fix – some interface cosmetic changes.
= 2.0.9 =
* Bug fix – Facebook Authorization “Error 100” Fix.
You can download it from NextScripts or directly from WordPress.org

NextScripts.com went down because of the GoDaddy
As millions other websites nextscripts.com went down because of the GoDaddy. We are not hosted there but we are using their premium DNS service because it supposedly should make things better. It seems like we need to re-think this decision.