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New Release: SNAP for WordPress Version 3.7.10.Beta
UPDATE (Jan 20, 2017). Version 3.7.11 has been released to plugin repository. it has all code from this beta along with some fixes. Please update your plugin.
New beta version is available for download. Two most popular networks Facebook and LinkedIn just got a completely new configuration interfaces.
You can get beta version from here: SNAP for WordPress Version 3.7.10.Beta (No longer available)
Just upload it to your plugins directory replacing current files or delete your current SNAP version install it from WP Admin. (That will not delete or anyhow affect your currently configured networks and settings).
Since it’s a beta version, please make a backup before upgrading and please report any issues right away.

New Release: Version 2.2.0 – with LinkedIn Company Pages support
The new version 2.2 has been released. It adds support for auto-posting to LinkedIn Company Pages. it also has some interface improvements and new tab “History/Log”. “History/Log” tab shows all auto-posting actions done by the plugin, so it can see what, when and when posts were posted.
Release has several bugs fixed including “headers already sent by line 344 Error” problem and annoying Google Chrome problem with adding Blogger account with each save.
= 2.2.0 =
* New – NextScripts LinkeIn API support for company pages auto-posting (Beta).
* New – Actions Log – see the log of the auto-postings.
* Improvement – Better interface.
* Bug fix – headers already sent by line 344 Error.
* Bug fix – Workaround fix for non-numeric “Facebook Group” pages. We hope that Facebook will fix it soon.
* Bug fix – Saving problems for the “Settings” page.
* Bug fix – LinkedIn post Formatting problems.
* Bug fix – was still attaching a post if not selected.
You can download it from NextScripts or directly from

New Release: Version 1.9.12
New Version has been released: 1.9.12
New version fixes the Google+ posting as well as some connectivity issues for other networks.
= 1.9.12 =
* New – Version 2.0.3 Beta is available to try.
* Bug fix – Removed many (\) Slashes from some Google+ Posts.
* Bug fix – Tumblr Authorization fix.
* Bug fix – New LinkedIn oAuth model support fix.
* Bug fix – Twitter New “Smarter” Twitter 140 characters limit handling fix.
= 1.9.11 =
* Bug fix – Google+ Fix for new interfaces.
* Improvement/Bug fix – New “Smarter” Twitter 140 characters limit handling. URL won’t be cut anymore.
You can download it from NextScripts or directly from

New Release: Version 1.9.10 – New LinkedIn oAuth Authorization
LinkedIn improved its oAuth Authorization model. Now you can request permission for different types of account access. Please update if you are getting “Access to posting shares denied” error.
= 1.9.10 =
* Improvement/Bug fix – New LinkedIn oAuth model support.
You can download it from NextScripts or directly from

New Release: Version 1.9.6
New Version has been released: 1.9.6
New version has new functionality and fixes/improvements as well as LinkedIn support.
= 1.9.6 =
* Bug fix – Twitter formatting
* Bug fix – Google incorrect page issue.
* Bug fix – SSL connectivity issued for some hosts.
= 1.9.5 =
* Bug fix – Twitter short URLS
* Bug fix – Google/Pinterest Connectivity issues

Why sometimes authorization of the Facebook/Tumblr/LinkedIn fails returning you to the incorrect page
During the authorization Facebook/Tumblr/LinkedIn returns the “oauth_token” parameter to the WordPress that has to be stored. This parameter is required for posting updates. Our plugin catches this parameter when it returned to it.
Unfortunately the name of this parameter can’t be changed, it pre-defined by Facebook/Tumblr/LinkedIn. Another unfortunate thing is that Twitter is also using the same name “oauth_token” for it’s authorization.
There are some plugins that use Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr/LinkedIn authorization. Some of those plugins think they are the only plugins in the whole universe, so instead of checking “oauth_token” when it returned to it’s owns page, those plugins add a global hook (some even add this hook with the top priority). This hook waits for “oauth_token” parameter to be returned and then just hijacks it, completely ignoring the fact that this parameter could be not intended for it.
After hijacking parameter such plugin is trying to redirect the browser to it’s own page, but since the whole set of parameters is not designed for it, it just gets you to the invalid page.
This is a very bad development practice from authors of those plugins.
If you have such an issue, just temporary deactivate all Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr/LinkedIn plugins you have and try to authorize Facebook/Tumblr/LinkedIn again. You can activate your plugins again when authorization is complete.