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New Strategy and SNAP for WordPress Version 3.5
Today we are announcing SNAP for WordPress Version 3.5. It will be released on Friday, March 4, 2016. This version is a result of our decision to change our release strategy. We are still working on completely new and totally re-written version 4. That version will be a major release and it already took a lot of time to develop. We realized that while we are sitting on some cool features that were made for upcoming V4, version 3.4 already got 32 almost featureless releases. We are sitting on them for too long. Some of those features require brand new V4 platform and engine, but some of them can be easily ported to V3 and work along with the old code.
So we decided to make several smaller releases instead of keep people waiting for one big.
We are starting with version 3.5 that got new API connection engine. New engine comes with highly optimized, smaller and faster V4 API connector files. We created a way for new API connection engine to seamlessly work with the old one.
Version 3.5 has three networks based on this new V4 API connection engine:
Telegram [New] (Free and Pro),
Instagram [New] (active “SNAP API” subscription members only),
XING [Updated] (Free and Pro).
Eventually all networks will be ported to new V4 API connection engine. Very soon we will make couple more V3 releases with new interface, features and networks and then, once we finish new autoposting engine, we will switch it on and call that release V4. That’s the plan.
PS: We apologize to all people who are waiting for the new “existing posts re-posting” functionality. This feature actually requires new V4 posting engine and will be available only in actual V4.

New Release: SNAP for WordPress Version 3.2
SNAP for WordPress Version 3.2.0 has been released. This version adds an ability to make posts to social networks without making a new blogpost and adds Scoop.It to the list of supported networks.
= 3.2.0 [01/29/2014] =
* New – Post to social networks without creating WordPress post.
* New – New network “Scoop.It”. Make text posts, link posts, or image posts. Post with tags.
* New – New LinkedIn Showcase pages are supported. (Pro Only)
* Improvement/Bug Fix – New interface for checkboxes for networks with excluded categories.
* Improvement/Bug Fix – %EXCERPT% tags won’t cut the actual excerpt to 300 characters anymore.
* Bug Fix – filed link [Enabled/Disabled for Repost according to Categories/Tags/Taxonomies filters]
* Bug Fix – Stability improvements to re-posting functionality.
You can install it directly from your WP Admin panel, download it from NextScripts or from

New Release: SNAP for WordPress Version 3.1.0
SNAP for WordPress Version 3.1 has been released.
* New – WordPress 3.8 Compatibility
* New – New Ajax based settings page – 7 times lighter and faster.
* New – Filter autoposting by tags and custom taxonomies.
* New – Ability to set all posts “Enabled/Disabled for repost” according to the Categories/Tags/Custom Taxonomies filters
* Improvement – Performance/compatibility improvement with latest LastPass extension.
* Improvement – Better compatibility with SSL.
* Improvement/Bug Fix – HTML tags and shortcodes are now removed from Facebook attached titles.
* Improvement/Bug Fix – Compatibility with new LinkedIn security feature “We just sent you the code”.
More about New Features:

New Release: Version 3.0.4
The long awaited version 3 has been released.
* New – Major release with a lot of new and improved features.
* New – Auto-repost existing and already posted posts based on some rules – one-by-one from old to new, one-by-one from new to old, from specific dates, “older then N days and younger then X days”.
* New – Add auto-posts to the query that will be posted according to some specified rules (like “two posts per hour”)
* New – Select what image to use for “Image” and “Attachment” post types if post has several images
* New – Custom URL for posts
* New – Reset all Settings for existing posts.
* New – Extended debug info.
* New – Ability to send errors by email.
* New – New Option – How to handle spaces in hashtags.
* Improvement – Comments import has been completely redone. Disqus and usernames should be correct now.
* Improvement – Code was optimized for lighter footprint
* New – Support
* New – Reddit Support
* New – Deviantart Support
![[Version 3] New Features](
[Version 3] New Features
Schedule auto-posts for the specific time
You can set a specific time when the post will go to the configured social network. This feature expands the existing “delayed postings” functionality.
Please see more info here: Schedule auto-posts for the specific time
Auto-repost existing and already posted posts based on some rules (one-by-one, random, from specific days, etc..)
This is actually two features in one.
1. You can use it to import all your existing posts one by one on specific schedule.
2. You can use it to recycle your old posts by reposting them (randomly or one by one) to your social accounts.
Please see more info and instructions here: Old Posts Auto-Reposting
Add auto-posts to the query that will be posted according to some specified rules (like “two posts per hour”)
This will be useful if you import RSS or other feeds to your site. Your posts are imported all at once, but will go social networks one by one with specified intervals.
Select what image to use for “Image” and “Attachment” post types if post has several images
You can select what image to use for autoposting if your post has several.
Short video demo of auto-posting to Google+ with selected images. Video shows that image selection is working for both “Image Posts” and for thumbnails for “Text Posts with “attached” blogpost”
New Networks, Reddit and will be added.
Release Date
Version 3 will be released once we finish beta testing and work out all bugs.
Beta number 4 will be sent out next week. We will be taking more people for it. If you recently requested to become a beta tester, you should get it. If not you can still request it here:

We are going into the “all hands” development mode for the next two weeks
We are going into the “all hands” development mode starting tomorrow an going till the Apr 15. We will be making version 3.0. We want to reinvent the SNAP for the third time and make it faster, simpler and more efficient. We will also add a lot of cool features in a process.
Some of the features we are considering:
Ability to scheduled auto-posts for the specific time.
Ability to add auto-posts to the query that will be posted according to some specified rules (like “two posts per hour”).
Ability to auto-post already existing posts
Ability to auto-repost existing and already posted posts based on some rules (one-by-one, random, from specific days, etc..)
Ability to make multi-image posts to Facebook and Google+
Ability to select what image to use for “Image” and “Attachment” post types if post has several images
Support for each user to be able to setup and autopost to his/her own accounts
Important notice: We will concentrate on development and we will be much less available for support during this time. The current version 2.7.8 is very stable, has been thoroughly tested and has no major bugs. 85% of support tickets we are getting now are already answered in the FAQ. Please check the FAQ page, installation instructions, “Pro” update instructions and contact us only if you don;t find the answer there. Although response time will be much longer then usual.
Important notice #2: Our plugin comes with free upgrades for lifetime. Version 3.0 will be free upgrade. All settings and configured networks from previous versions will be auto-imported to 3.0 without any actions from you.