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New Release: SNAP for WordPress Version 3.3
SNAP for WordPress Version 3.3.0 has been released. This version adds support for Flipboard Magazines (Pro Only) and a lot of improvements.
One important improvement is rewritten Facebook API access.
When we started this project as “Facebook-Twitter-Google+ Autoposter” we took official Facebook PHP API library and used it. Two years and 21 networks after that we actually asked a question why exactly we are still using those 47kbs of code. We can do much better then that. We have enough knowledge and experience to use Facebook API directly, without some “middle man”. As a result we got much faster and more reliable Facebook autoposter engine.
Another important change is disabling Auto-Reposter if WP Cron service is not correctly configured. This should save a lot of frustration and prevent many issues.
= 3.3.0 [03/06/2014] =
* New – New network “Flipboard”. Post your links to your magazine.
* Improvement – A lot of code, error handling and interface optimizations and improvements.
* Improvement – Plugin is not using 47kb of official Facebook API for PHP anymore. Facabook autoposting is now more stable and faster.
* Improvement – Auto-Reposting functionality will be disabled if WP Cron is not configured correctly.
* Improvement – Plugin shows how many posts is included in auto-reposting on the settings page.
* Bug Fix – Many bug fixes and improvements to the “Auto-Reposting” and “Posts from Query” functionality.
* Bug Fix – Checkboxes with selected categories were not saving correctly.
* Bug Fix – Google+ – custom URL postings were incorrect.
* Bug Fix – Tumblr is now working “New Post to Social Networks”
You can install it directly from your WP Admin panel, download it from NextScripts or from