We are going into the “all hands” development mode for the next two weeks
We are going into the “all hands” development mode starting tomorrow an going till the Apr 15. We will be making version 3.0. We want to reinvent the SNAP for the third time and make it faster, simpler and more efficient. We will also add a lot of cool features in a process.
Some of the features we are considering:
Ability to scheduled auto-posts for the specific time.
Ability to add auto-posts to the query that will be posted according to some specified rules (like “two posts per hour”).
Ability to auto-post already existing posts
Ability to auto-repost existing and already posted posts based on some rules (one-by-one, random, from specific days, etc..)
Ability to make multi-image posts to Facebook and Google+
Ability to select what image to use for “Image” and “Attachment” post types if post has several images
Support for each user to be able to setup and autopost to his/her own accounts
Important notice: We will concentrate on development and we will be much less available for support during this time. The current version 2.7.8 is very stable, has been thoroughly tested and has no major bugs. 85% of support tickets we are getting now are already answered in the FAQ. Please check the FAQ page, installation instructions, “Pro” update instructions and contact us only if you don;t find the answer there. Although response time will be much longer then usual.
Important notice #2: Our plugin comes with free upgrades for lifetime. Version 3.0 will be free upgrade. All settings and configured networks from previous versions will be auto-imported to 3.0 without any actions from you.
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Hello, the ability to add existing posts would be amazing for my multisite network. I'm using multisite mirror, so when a new site is created it already has about 10 posts in it. This would allow my members to send those posts to their social accounts.
My question is: I haven't purchased your current multisite version yet. Will 3.0 be a free upgrade. And how easy will it be to go from 2.xx to 3.0. I would hate for me and my users to spend a lot of time setting up current version and then having to spend additional time having to redo everything.
Also is April 15th a realistic time frame?
3.0 will be a free upgrade. Upgrade won't take any actions from your side. 3.0 will take all your existing settings and import them. We expect to finish development by April 15th, but we may take some more time to test it before release.
Fantastic News.
Would love to see Reddit and Dig added too if you have spare time.
Please see here: http://www.nextscripts.com/blog/digg-and-reddit/
Is there any chance in being able to also choose what Post Types per Network as well?
I also run a small forum which I'd like to post out to certain networks but definitely not out (and flood) others.And if there's any chance of these two additions:
[1] a Replacement for the Tweet Old Post / Tweetify - great plugins but restricted to one Twitter account per site. Great to leverage multiple accounts
[2] Convert post to PDF and add PDF sites such as Slideshare and Scribd - this area is huge for authority backlinkingYou guys have an awesome plugin - so glad I upgraded to Pro
The ability to schedule the auto post while be great! I do prefer to put the page on the post in the morning, but to market to the social sites in the evening when we do get most traffic.
And completely manual post now button on all of the post / page is something I do miss. Then I can go in on any post, page that normally don’t get any auto posting and post that specific post / page when I do want it to.
Great news. I am waiting for auto reposting of my old posts.
looking forward :)
feature 1: If any social account task cannot post to the social account for over X number of days send email to admin.
This way we would be able to keep track of which accounts are not able to connect and act on them immediately (especially in a multisite environment).feature 2: Linkden needs to be re-authorized after some specified period (does not need new codes). Can you handle the authorization via the process it self. This is for already setup Linkden accounts
Feature 3: As I had asked in the email and thanks for your reply: Several social sites like Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr will ban your account if you send several posts per day. Other sites like Stubleupon, Pinterest will stop posting your posts for the day is they notice you exceed a particular number and could eventully ban your account. To avoid this happening, please provide the option to limit the number of posts per hour or 12 hours or per day
Awesome. I too am eagerly awaiting for the auto reposting of old/rotated posts.
Thanks for the great news about coming update! While you are developing it, will you please consider adding separate tags for different image sizes. While Facebook\Twitter\Google+ resize images to fit the screen, Livejournal just gets the full size image and it looks horrible.
So any news on a release date yet?
Fantastic cool !!!
What about extending the scheduling time to further out than 48 hours? Will the 'schedule a time' feature include further out dates?
I don't think we will extend delay, but it addition to the delay we will add an ability to set exact time when your post should be autoposted, and you can set this time to even next year.
Feature 4: A lot of social accounts will ban your account/posts if you post the same content to mutiple accounts. Hence can you implement a "drip feed" post system. What it means is that posts are allocated to several accounts (for example Twitter) and each (Twitter) account gets a unique post. So in this way posts are spread uniformly over all (twitter) account. A good example if SocialOomph's implementation of the drip feed posting system which I have been using for years.
Ability to post different content to each network is already built-in the plugin.
The ability to automatically repost published content (ie recurring posting) to social networks would make this the perfect solution. Please include that in your solution!
Please see here: http://www.nextscripts.com/blog/version-3-new-features/
posted on | March 28, 2013 |
in | Development, News |
tagged | development, support, V3 |