Upcoming Version 4 Features: Auto-Reposting
Version 4 is coming out soon. One of the most important new features is a completely redone auto-reposting.
Auto-reposting in version 3 was done as on/off switch per network and separate include/exclude property per each post. It was very complicated and some reposting scenarios that were not possible or very hard to setup:
– Repeat one particular tweet each day at 9AM
– Auto-Repost only posts from specific categories or tags
– Auto-Repost only posts written by specific author.
– Auto-Repost only “Image” format posts, not “Link” or “Standard”.
– Auto-Repost some specific posts from 9AM to 11AM and some different posts from 6PM to 9PM
Version 4 will use Reposter Actions. Each Reposter Action can be configured individually and you can setup what posts should be posted to what networks and when should it happen.
Reposter Action has 4 configurable sections
1. You can Activate/Deactivate the Reposter and set ho to get your posts – One-by-one or Randomly.
2. You can choose what networks this Reposter should post to.
3. You can set how often to posts as well as what time it should start and stop.
4. You can define what posts, pages or other custom post types will be posted.
SNAP can find posts by …
– Categories and tags
– Exact dates
– Timeframes
– Types, Statuses, Formats
– Authors
– Get Exact posts and pages
– Search patterns
– Meta fields
– Taxonomies
UPD (Jan 18, 2015): Please do not ask for a release date. We don’t have any specific release date set yet. As soon as we make a decision on a date we will publish it right away.
SNAP V4 is not just some improvements, it’s almost 100% rewritten. We need to make sure it’s done right. All we can say right now, that beta version should come out in several weeks, and final release date will depend on beta testing. Beta testing will be public and we will announce availability of the beta release here in this blog and of course it will be autoposted to all our social accounts. So follow us anywhere you like.
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Do you have a date for release of Version 4?
Please see the update in the post.
Well this is really awesome, I using this plugin since 2014 and its awesome. And nice feature added. Keep it up bro...
Yes, when will you be releasing? Repost Actions sounds like a GREAT solution for this.
But .... WHEN??
A yes it's christmas. Keep forgetting.
Please see the update in the post.
Looking forward myself. Different social media have different times when it is best to post. In addition, I'm in Asia and those times in Europe and the US are rather impractical for me, so I end up posting way earlier than I should.
sounds great. will it be possible to choose different selection-criteria at the same time like "exclude category xy" but at the same time "include Tag XY"?
I'm looking forward to the release - when will it be?
Yes, it will.
When V4 will be released?
Please see the update in the post.
it is not working when i am posting from WP official Android Mobile app. How to make this possible
This functionality is not yet released. How could it be "not working"?
Sounds Great! Is it like about post old posts?
And one thing I wish for in the future, Post to own Micro sites, own hosted. -
DeviantArt doesnt work. Any idea? becasue nothing is showing
How is this related to the upcoming V4 reposting?
Support tickets: http://www.nextscripts.com/support
Forums: http://www.nextscripts.com/forums/
Will LiveJournal continue to be supported, including this enhanced functionality, in V4?
Yes, of course.
Please can you let myself and others who have asked "When is the release date" for v4?
Please see the update in the post.
I look forward to this new version of all the posting systems I always come back to SNAP
Sounds good to me, looking forward to it ...
Will v4 be a free upgrade to v3.4.9?
Yes, all upgrades are always free.
Will there be an option to stop auto-posting a blog post after a specific number of times re-auto posted? This would come in handy, since someone ma not want the same post from a year ago being re-posted after a while. A specific number of times MAX that a post will be reposted would be helpful, or (I do see that you have a date range setting), since you already have functionality for specific date ranges, perhaps you could add a field for "Only Auto-Repost Posts that are X Days Old" that way if it is a post from 3 months ago, it will stop being auto-reposted.
Only Auto-Repost Posts that are X Days Old
This will be there
Thanks for the reply, I did notice this actually all ready in the old version (post between X and Y days old) after my post.
I had another question, I just saw something interesting on someone else's twitter page, is there (or will there be) support for Twitter Cards?
will it be possible to exclude days and dates for autoposting
Days - yes.
Thank you Ludwig for all your efforts on this invaluable upgrade.
Wow, great job guys! Will definitely write a glowing review when it comes out :)
something new about the Beta-Test?
Is there anything we can do, like paying some more money? Actually this feature was the reason I bought the plugin and every single day it dosn't work I loose reader and money. So I would really glad to support the release at least of the beta version as fast as possible. Thanks -
When is this coming. Do you need beta-tester on live website?I would definately want to try this.
Question: the new plugin (version 4) will be heavier?
It will be possible to insert multiple photos in the same status?
This is planned for 4.1 or 4.2
Feature Request: Repost will choose a random old post (and not follow a sequece).
This feature already exists in V3, but it's available only in the "Pro" version.
Can we test the beta version?
Sure, we will announce a public beta on our site
Is it possible to auto re-post to mulitple facebook pages?
Example: set random re-posting of posts under tag "A" to facebook fanpage "1" then a different one to fanpage "2", "3", ect... all different and random posts from a large post library?
Yes, this will be possible.
can I set different settings for each different posts?
in my case, i have to promote events, so, i have different exparation event date for every different post. the "one rule for all" is not working for my needs.
for an example, lets say i have an event in 10 days from now.
i want to promote this event for the 3 first days one time a day and for the last 2 days I want to autopost every 6 hours.Some other evets are in 3 days from the posting date.
i just bought the pro version and i haven't see an option like this, so, it is very important to know if in the upcoming version i can set the autopost for every post, not to set only one rule.
thank you!
Yes, this is one of the main reasons why we are re-doing it. V3 can't do that. V4 will be able to do that.
Will it be possible to style Facebook posts differently based on category or post type? Like full text on one type and the default on another?
Yes, it will be possible. Actually styling Facebook posts differently based on category is already possible in the current version 3.x.x. "Post type" and many other filters are coming in V4.
I've looked and can't find out how to do this. Can you point me in the right direction?
P.S. Just upgraded to PRO.
we can get the SNAp v4 beta ? and wen you release it ?
posted on | December 5, 2014 |
in | Development, News, Useful info |
tagged | Auto-Reposter, features, Plugin, Snap, V4, Wordpress |