Blogger/Blogspot – two ways of auto-posting
Blogger has been recently added to the list of supported networks to the NextScripts Social Networks Autposter plugin for WordPress.
This plugin supports two kinds of networks – networks that have free API (Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr) and networks that require a special third party library (Pinterest, Goolge+).
Blogger has a unique position there. It does have a free API, but that API is very restricted and unstable. Blogger also owned by Google and it’s interface is somewhat similar to Google+, so making third party library to support Blogger through our own API were not that hard.
As a result the plugin has dual support for Blogger. it will use free API if you have just the plugin, and it will use NextScripts API if you have postToGooglePlus.php library.
The problems with Free API:
- The HTML code should be XHTML complaint. This is usually not a problem with clean wordpress, but a lot of third party plugins forgot to close html tags, put quotes in attributes and use <br/> not <br>. Things like this will be rejected by free API and message won’t be posted.
- Due to internal possessing the format of your post could be changed to something completely different.
- No support for tags
- No proper support for UTF/Unicode. International characters could become corrupted.
Please consider getting Google+ API (Blogger is included there) if you have problems posting to Blogger.
- Comments
- Trackbacks
- About post
I need Google+ and Pintrest API support withing this plugin. If i am going to purchase Pro version of this Plug-in will it be covered all the features?
Yes, the "Pro" plugin has all necessary libraries included
posted on | July 5, 2012 |
in | Web Development |
tagged | blogger, blogspot, Snap, Wordpress |