Monthly archives: December 2014

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Upcoming Version 4 Features: Auto-Reposting

Upcoming Version 4 Features: Auto-Reposting

December 5, 2014 48 Comments

Version 4 is coming out soon. One of the most important new features is a completely redone auto-reposting.

Auto-reposting in version 3 was done as on/off switch per network and separate include/exclude property per each post. It was very complicated and some reposting scenarios that were not possible or very hard to setup:

– Repeat one particular tweet each day at 9AM
– Auto-Repost only posts from specific categories or tags
– Auto-Repost only posts written by specific author.
– Auto-Repost only “Image” format posts, not “Link” or “Standard”.
– Auto-Repost some specific posts from 9AM to 11AM and some different posts from 6PM to 9PM

Version 4 will use Reposter Actions. Each Reposter Action can be configured individually and you can setup what posts should be posted to what networks and when should it happen.

V4 Reposter


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