Social Networks Auto Poster PRO Multi Account – WordPress Plugin
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Product Info – SNAP Pro Plugin for Wodpress |
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WordPress |
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WordPress |
Not Compatible with: |
WordPress Multisite Network (ex WPMU),
Plain PHP, Joomla, Drupal |
Get it now! Limited Time Only Sale |
Social Networks Auto Poster (SNAP) PRO For WordPress Multi Account Edition.
This upgrade adds an ability to add/configure unlimited accounts for each social network.
Exclusive SNAP “Pro” features
– Scheduled and Delayed postings
– Auto-repost existing random posts from from specific dates or “older then N days and younger then X days”.
– Limit random or one-by-one auto-reposting for specific days of the week and times. (like Monday-Friday from 8AM to 7PM Only)
– Advanced Autoposting to Blogger
– [Limited Time Only – included for free] ($49/year value) SNAP Universal API (Run-time Only). This adds autoposting to Google+, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn Company Pages, Reddit, Flipboard, YouTube
(Click to see bigger image)

Powerful Features
General and Settings
Free and Pro Plugin Features
Pro Only Features
PHP Version 5.3 or newer (yes, it works with PHP7 as well)
Wordpress Ver >3.0
PHP should have at least 64M of memory (128M and more is highly recommended).
Get it!
Get “SNAP Pro” plugin for free with API subscription – just $49.95/year
Package includes:
– WordPress “SNAP PRO” Multi Accounts Plugin for WordPress ($99.90) – You will be able to post to several accounts of the same type and get some premium features like random reposting and delayed autoposts. Lifetime plugin upgrades are also included.
– SNAP Universal API (Run-time – not downloadable) ($49.95/year) – You will be able to post to networks without native API like Google+, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, Flipboard, LinkedIn Company pages and groups, Reddit, etc…
$149.85 first year + $49.95/year
Right now: $49.95/Year
Click one of the buttons below to pay with Paypal or Credit Card. You will be charged for $49.95 each year
*Please note: Run-time API will be installed automatically. Run-time API is not downloadable. Run-time API is embedded in the plugin and will allow plugin to autopost to the additional networks. It can’t be used for any other purposes.
Don’t want a subscription? Interested in discounts for multiyear pre-payments? Not sure what exactly do you need? Please use the
advanced product ordering page
Question: Can I cancel the subscription? What is going to happen if I cancel it?
Answer: You can cancel at any time. If you cancel – SNAP API will stop working after one year from the day you purchased it and you will loose an ability to post to networks without native API like Google+, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, Flipboard, LinkedIn Company pages and groups, Reddit, etc.. You still be able to enjoy SNAP PRO Multi Accounts Plugin for WordPress and all it’s features for as long as you like.
Buy “SNAP Pro” plugin without API subscription
Package includes:
– WordPress “SNAP PRO” Multi Accounts Plugin for WordPress ($99.90) – You will be able to post to several accounts of the same type and get some premium features like random reposting and delayed autoposts. Lifetime plugin upgrades are also included.
– SNAP Universal API (Run-time – not downloadable*) ($49.95/year) – You will be able to post to networks without native API like Google+, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, Flipboard, LinkedIn Company pages and groups, Reddit, etc..
$149.85 first year + $49.95/year
Right now: Get 50% off plugin and free APi for one year – $49.95 (One Time Payment)
Click one of the buttons below to pay with Paypal, Credit Card or Bitcoins. You will be charged one time for $49.95.
*Please note: Run-time API will be installed automatically. Run-time API is not downloadable. Run-time API is embedded in the plugin and will allow plugin to autopost to the additional networks. It can’t be used for any other purposes.
Question: What is going to happen after one year?
Answer: SNAP API will stop working and you will loose an ability to post to networks without native API like Google+, Pinterest, YouTube, Flipboard, LinkedIn Company pages and groups, Reddit, etc.. You still be able to enjoy SNAP PRO Multi Accounts Plugin for WordPress and all it’s features for as long as you like.
Question: What if I would still want to post to Google+, Pinterest and other premium networks after one year?
Answer: You will need to subscribe to SNAP API. You can do any time after your free year is over or you can do it right now by clicking the green banner saying “Get SNAP Pro plugin for free with API subscription” above.
SNAP Universal API (Run-time Only) adds to SNAP Pro Wordpress plugin ability to autopost to Google+, Pinterest, Blogger (Advanced Autoposting), YouTube, LinkedIn Company Pages, VK.COM (Advanced Autoposting - adds nice Link Attachments). Lifetime plugin upgrades are also included.
Please note: Run-time API will be installed automatically. Run-time API is not downloadable. Run-time API is embeded in the plugin and will allow plugin to autopost to the additional networks. It can't be used for any other purposes.
** Paypal users: Download links will be sent to your confirmed Paypal email only. Please make sure you have access to your Paypal email before placing an order.
** Credit Card users: Credit card processor takes it's time to process order. It could take from 10 minutes to 6 hours. You will get the email from us once your order is complete and your account and download links are ready.
What to do after the order?
Please see the
"Upgrade/Activation" instructions
Question: I am confused! Is it a one time payment or yearly subscription?
Answer: It depends on what you need. There are two products included:
– “SNAP Pro WordPress Plugin” plugin itself is one time purchase. “SNAP Pro WordPress Plugin” will give you an ability to post to as many accounts of the same network type as you like and some premium features like random reposting and delayed autoposts. Lifetime plugin upgrades are also included with one time fee.
– “SNAP Premium API Libraries” is a yearly subscription. Those libraries will give you an ability to post to networks without native API like Google+, Pinterest, YouTube, Flipboard, LinkedIn Company pages and groups, Reddit, etc.. Those libraries require constant maintenance and to keep them up to date we need a subscription.
Right now we have 2 special offers.
1. You can subscribe to “SNAP Premium API Libraries” ($49.95/year) and get “SNAP Pro WordPress Plugin” for free.
2. You can buy “SNAP Pro WordPress Plugin” for $49.95 (One time payment) and get one year of “SNAP Premium API Libraries” for free.
Basically with both options, right now for paying $49.95 you will get exactly the same thing – “Plugin + API libraries”. It’s just with one time payment option (offer #2) API will stop working after one year. You still be able to enjoy SNAP PRO Plugin for WordPress and all it’s features for as long as you like.
Please note, this version is not compatible with WordPress Multisite (ex-WPMU) Edition. We have a different plugin with full Wodpress Multisite Support.