Setup/Installation: OK.RU (Odnoklassniki) – Social Networks Auto-Poster

Эта же инструкция на русском тут. uses OAuth to provide authorized access to it’s API. You need to register application and get “App Key” and “App Secret” as well as “access_token” and “secret_session_key”. You also will need to ask API support team for the posting rights.

Please note: API team does not issue account posting rights to external apps, so only posting to groups pages is possible.

You must create a group page and have it setup and ready before requesting the app posting rights. App Configuration

1. Create a app for your website.

1. Login to your account.
2. Go to the Developers access page:

If you are already registered as developer, skip to step 3.

Click “Get Developer Rights” (“Получить права разработчика”).

Create New App

3. Click the link “Follow the link” (“Перейдите по ссылке”) (
Create New App

Click the link “Add new App” (“Добавить приложение”) (

Create New App

Fill all required fields for the application. You will need to have 3 images (128×128, 50×50, 18×18) uploaded to your site. Please see more info here:

Very Important! Choose application type as “External” (“Внешнее”). Other types will not work.

Create New App

Click “Save”, you will get a message that all app info has been sent to your email.

Create New App

4. Check your email. Notice Application IDApp Public Key and App Secret Key: in the message.

Create New App

6. Important!

Write an email (in Russian) to Says that you have a website and you would like to post news or blog posts from your website to your group/page. You have created application with ID xxxxxxxxxxxxxx(Application ID from step 4 above) and you would like to request the following rights for it: GROUP_CONTENT, PHOTO_CONTENT, VALUABLE_ACCESS.

7. Wait several days for API support team to grant you the posting rights.

Create New App

8. Getting “access_token” and “secret_session_key”

Very Important! Please do this step ONLY AFTER you receive email from api support team granting you rights. If you do that before, please note that both “access_token” and “secret_session_key” will be changed at the moment API support grants you posting rights and your “access_token” will become invalidated. You will need to redo this step.

Please go to Games->My Uploaded (Игры->Мои Загруженные) and click on your app.
Create New App

Scroll down and click “Change App Settings” (“Изменить настройки приложения”) at the bottom of the page.

Create New App

Enter the application secret key from the original email (Step 4)

Create New App

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click “Get Access Token” button.

Create New App

Notice access_token/b> and secret_session_key

Create New App

9. Getting Group ID

Go to “My groups” page (, click on “I moderate”, select the group that you want autopost to.

Create New App

Click “Settings” in the left menu.

Create New App

You will find the Group ID at the very end of the page.

Create New App

2. Connect to your WordPress.

1. Login to your WordPress Admin Panel, Go to the Settings->Social Networks AutoPoster Options.
2. Click green “Add new account” button, select “OK.RU” from the list.
3. Fill “App Key” and “App Secret” from step 4 above. Fill “access_token” and “secret_session_key” from the step 8 above. Fill the Group ID from the step 9.
4. Click “Add Account”.
5. Your account is ready to use.

How to setup each type of Social Network

~ Facebook Configuration
~ Twitter Configuration
~ Google+ Configuration
~ Pinterest Configuration

~ App.Net Configuration
~ Blogger Configuration
~ Delicious Configuration
~ Configuration
~ Diigo Configuration
~ Flickr Configuration
~ [New]MailChimp Configuration
~ [New]Medium Configuration
~ [New]Instagram Configuration
~ Instapaper Configuration
~ LinkedIn Configuration
~ LiveJournal/Dreamwidth Configuration
~ [New] Configuration
~ Reddit Configuration
~ [New]Telegram Configuration
~ Scoop.It Configuration
~ Stumbleupon Configuration
~ Tumblr Configuration
~ Plurk Configuration
~ vBulletin Configuration
~ vKontakte( Configuration
~ Configuration
~ YouTube Configuration
~ [New]Weibo Configuration
~ [New]Yo Configuration
~ [New]500px Configuration

Have problems? Please check out the Troubleshooting FAQ page.

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