Setup/Installation: 500px – Social Networks Auto-Poster
500px uses OAuth to provide authorized access to its API. You need to register 500px application and get “OAuth Consumer Key” and “Secret Key”. Then you will need to authorize your WordPress blog.
500px Configuration
1. Create a 500px app for your website.
1. Login to your 500px account.
2. Go to the 500px Developers page:
3. Click “Register application” button.
Fill “Application Name”, “Description”, “Application URL”, “Developer’s Email” all other fields and click Register”.
Please use your own information, don’t literally re-type “SNAP, NextScripts Blog”, “” and other sample info.
4. Click “See application details”
– Notice Consumer Key and Consumer Secret : on this page.
2. Connect 500px to your WordPress.
1. Login to your WordPress Admin Panel, Go to the Settings->Social Networks AutoPoster Options.
2. Click green “Add new account” button, select “500px ” from the list.
3. Fill “Consumer Key “Consumer Secret” from step 4 above.
4. Select default Category.
5. Click “Add Account”.
3. Authorize 500px for your WordPress.
1. Open newly added 500Px account settings. Notice new link “Authorize Your 500px Account”.
2. Click “Authorize Your 500px Account” and follow the authorization wizard.
4. Your 500px is ready to use.
How to setup each type of Social Network
~ Facebook Configuration~ Twitter Configuration
~ Google+ Configuration
~ Pinterest Configuration
~ App.Net Configuration
~ Blogger Configuration
~ Delicious Configuration
~ Configuration
~ Diigo Configuration
~ Flickr Configuration
~ [New]MailChimp Configuration
~ [New]Medium Configuration
~ [New]Instagram Configuration
~ Instapaper Configuration
~ LinkedIn Configuration
~ LiveJournal/Dreamwidth Configuration
~ [New] Configuration
~ Reddit Configuration
~ [New]Telegram Configuration
~ Scoop.It Configuration
~ Stumbleupon Configuration
~ Tumblr Configuration
~ Plurk Configuration
~ vBulletin Configuration
~ vKontakte( Configuration
~ Configuration
~ YouTube Configuration
~ [New]Weibo Configuration
~ [New]Yo Configuration
~ [New]500px Configuration
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